Sleeping beauty

<h2>Sleeping beauty</h2>

It's a chilly Sunday morning,… The Sun is slowly rising and is timidly appearing from behind the neighboring buildings. I'm sitting on the balcony drinking my morning coffee. I'm thinking. I feel tired »like hell«, everything hurts, and don't even get me started about my lower back… Regardless, I feel brimful of energy and my soul is joyous. Why? Well, I'm lucky to be part of a wonderful team – the FerroECOBlast »family«.

The Covid-19 crisis hit us just as we expected a record-breaking 2020. In a split second, our expectations imploded like a house of cards and the dark forecasts eclipsed our business normality. But we reacted swiftly. We instituted a whole series of preventive health measures, as well as cost-managing and financial measures aimed to stabilize our operations. We came together as a real family and each of us took their share of the burden and responsibility! We consciously left no one behind and together we faced these new, hostile circumstances. Moreover we reshaped the crisis into an opportunity to:

  • connect even more as a team
  • get truly closer to our partners, despite the impossibility to interact in person
  • keep moving intensively towards the new era of the Digital Economy and
  • take an even bolder approach to the implementation of our research and development activities

And you know what? It’s possible! And it’s worth it! Today our company feels much different already. The digitalization of our business is in full swing. And by that, I don’t just mean the digitalization of our business processes. Under the slogan »Close to you«, we brought our existing business model even closer to our customers, enabling them to order standard surface treatment services directly from us or offering them the possibility to rent our most advanced solutions on an »all-inclusive«, long term basis. As a team, we strengthened all the links in our chain with positive and open interpersonal relationships, and together, we are stronger than ever! Our awareness of our achievements and the resulting self-confidence allows us to keep creating new, great stories!

Oh… you’re wondering why I’m so tired?

On Friday, the day before yesterday, we had a company teambuilding (taking into consideration all necessary health/safety regulations). We spent a wonderful day in the beautiful White Carniola (Bela Krajina). Our colleague Tomo and his family were our hosts, we enjoyed the stunning pristine canyons of the sleeping beauty – the Kolpa river – and ended the day with plenty of excellent local food and drinks, to the sounds of a local tamburitza ensemble. Here, that’s why today I am »dead tired« yet grateful. Grateful to all my colleagues and the company management for the opportunity and honor to be part of the FerroECOBlast story. I have only one thing left to say before I conclude: That’s why our machines have !

Sevnica, September 13th, 2020