Presenting Sensi Snow Blast!

Sensi Snow: The most effective and gentle cleaning technique on the market today!
<h2>Presenting <span style="color: rgb(196, 22, 28);"><strong>Sensi Snow Blast!</strong></span></h2>

Sensi Snow: The most effective and gentle cleaning technique on the market today!

We are proud to present our latest technological advancement. We just launched a new way to utilize the eco-friendliness of dry ice cleaning and took it one step further, giving us the option to clean even the most delicate parts with ease and amazing results. We named the technology Sensi Snow - since we take regular dry ice particles and grind them using a specially developed unit to finer, smaller particles that have all the cleaning power of dry ice, but with a gentle touch. To find out more about Sensi Snow, click here and don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you might have!